If you are interested in irrigation, click here for more. Those who have invested in farming but still do not know more about irrigation view here for more. Some farmers who know a few types of irrigation but want to learn more should click here. Irrigation is a process that supplies plants with sufficient water at controlled intervals to promote their growth. Some of the plants in your plantation do not need more water, so you will have to learn how to control the water supply. Therefore, you should read more on various irrigation methods and how to control it. In this article, you will learn general information about irrigation. In this article, you will learn general information about irrigation.
One of the advantages of irrigation is that it promotes the growth of crops. For a plant to grow, it will need water, oxygen, and many other things. Meaning that no plant will grow without water. Therefore, if the climatic condition of your area does not support plant growth, you will need to use irrigation. A person can use various irrigation methods depending on the land topography, the water source, and so on You choose the type that ensures that maximum water is reaching all plants. Therefore, if you can construct a small water channel from a water source to your farm, you are practicing surface irrigation. Never, wait for rainfall if the crops are dying, irrigation can save you. View here for more information about irrigation.
The second benefit of irrigation is that it can control flooding. Flooding is one of the natural calamities that cause deaths of many people. During floods, many families get displaced and others who do not move to raised land in time can lose their lives. However, a lot of research has been conducted stating that; flood water can be used for irrigation. Some crops require too much water to grow, for instance, rice. The floodwaters can be directed to large rice plantations and excess keep in underground tanks to control the floods.
Irrigation is the best method to water plants that are grown in a greenhouse. All plants are grown in the greenhouse are under controlled environmental conditions such as temperature, rainfall, and so on. Therefore, if you want to water plants in the greenhouse, you must use at least one method of irrigation. Depending on the size of the greenhouse, many irrigation methods can be used to water plants in the greenhouse. Irrigation methods can also be used to water laboratory plants that are grown for experiments and research.
These are some of the merits of irrigation. Click here for more information about irrigation.